How to work on Nivesh Mitra
About Nivesh Mitra

Nivesh Mitra – To make Single Table System Entrepreneur Friendly and web enable for the speedy processing / sanction of approval for establishing an enterprise the Nievsh Mitra has been designed/ developed by Hollywood Multimedia Limited with decision by GoUP with following facility for Entrepreneur :-
Ø Available 24 × 7 online
Ø Guidelines for clearance available
Ø Government Notification / Policies available
Ø Download Application Forms
Ø Monitoring the status of applications
Ø Online submission of forms
Ø On line fee payment
Ø On line processing of applications
Ø On line communication of approvals/rejections/additional information
Ø Minimum diversion from current process
Ø Highlights the cases exceeding the time limit
Ø Summary of Applications Nodal Departments
Ø Global Search Facility (linking to GoI/GoUP web-sites)
Ø Monitoring System under Nivesh Mitra
Ø Different colour flags assigned to identify the status of Application
Ø Status identification
Ø Analysis of pendency seen by any time by senior officer of concerned departments for further action.
Ø Entrepreneur able to view the status online and clarify the objections raised
Facility for Entrepreneur at Nivesh Mitra
Ø Register himself
Ø For identification of entrepreneur attach the scanned copy of PAN Card
Ø Submit Application online required for setting up a new enterprises
Ø Attach all enclosure required in the application
Ø View details of all application Status at all stages
Ø Add remarks by Entrepreneur
Ø Online fee payment facility
Ø Automatic e-mail about decisions taken by concerned department on the application at every step.
Categories for Enterprises
v Manufacturing Sector
ü Micro – Investment does not exceed 25 lacs in Plant & Machinery
ü Small - Investment >25 lacs but < 5 crores in Plant & Machinery
ü Medium - Investment >5 crores but < 10 crores in Plant & Machinery
v Service Sector
ü Micro – Investment does not exceed 10 lacs in Equipments
ü Small - Investment >10 lacs but < 2 crores in Equipments
ü Medium - Investment >2 crores but < 5 crores in Plant & Machinery
v Heavy Sector–Investment>10 crores in Plant and machinery
ü Category A – Investment > 10 crores but <50 crores in Plant and machinery
ü Category B - Investment > 50 crores in Plant and machinery
v Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
Application form for First Phase (Set – A i.e. Prior to setting up unit)
ü Entrepreneur Memorandum Form-I
ü NOC from Pollution Control Board
ü UP VAT Registration
ü Central Sales Tax Registration
ü Requisition for Temporary Supply of Energy
ü Requisition for Supply of Energy
ü License under Drug/Cosmetic Act
ü NOC from Forest Department
ü License / Allotment from Excise Department
ü HSD Storage NOC
ü Approval of Building Map under Factories Act
ü NOC from Fire Department
Application form for Second Phase (Set – B i.e. Prior to commence of production)
ü Entrepreneur Memorandum Form-II
ü Consent from Pollution Control Board
ü Excise License (U.P)
ü Registration under Factories Act
ü NOC from Electrical Safety Directorate
ü License from Food Department
ü Shop & Commercial Establishment Registration
How Entrepreneur use this web-site
Click on New Entrepreneur Register here button

On clicking on New Entrepreneur Register Here Button , entrepreneur will got the Entrepreneur Registration Form – on which an entrepreneur can furnish the required details (* marked fields are mandotary). After furnishing the details Entrepreneur will got a unique ID No. and Password, which will be used for login in future. The unique ID no. and password will be sent to your e-mail mention in the registration form.
Existing Entrepreneur :-On clicking Login as Entrepreneur – Entrepreneur will reach on Entrepreneur Login page, if Entrepreneur already registered he can login with entering user name and password.

• After login as Entrepreneur you will got the following facility:-

Before Filling any form, kindly update your profile by Clicking on 
Kindly Note :- once you have submitted the form to the department you will not be authorized to change your information you have provided in the profile . So fill it carefully and provide the correct information.
2. Click on button, Displayed on the left menu of DASH BOARD.
3. Select the Set type form the drop down menu and click on “go to Form” Button
Kindly Note :- You can also change the other information as per your requirement displayed in the screen.
4. The form screen will be displayed. Select the appropriate form and click on fill/view form icon

5. You will be taken to the main form
The Form is divided into the following Sections

6. Fill the complete form step by step and click on the next button (displayed at the bottom of the form) to go to the next menu and Save the current page.
Kindly Note: - All the fields are mandatory in the form .you can save the partially filled form by clicking on the next button, displayed at the bottom of the Form. The progress bar is also available to view the percentage of filled form.
7. Click on the SAVE Button. The form will be saved. Now click on the Submit button in case you want to submit the form to the department or click on Button Displayed on the header.
8. Once you have saved the form, it will be displayed on the Save Menu.
9. To Submit the form now click on fill form and follow the same procedure to submit the form
10. Once the form is submitted to the department, it will be displayed in submitted form menu on the DASH BOARD
In case of Payment :-
Payment Mode :-
Manual Mode :- In the pay by manual payment the entrepreneur can make a draft/challan and can upload the draft/challan’s scanned copy, by clicking the radio button of Manual Payment mode thru Challan/Bank Draft. As well entrepreneur click on Manual Payment thru Challan/Bank Draft, manual payment mode details entry will appear. In this screen entrepreneur can select the department and fill the details of the payment of that department and select a scanned copy of draft/challan on clicking browse and submit it.
Offline Mode :- In the pay by offiline menthod, Entreprenure can make a draft/challan and submitt the same to the bank and can upload the draft/challan’s scanned copy, by clicking the radio button of offline Payment mode thru Challan/Bank Draft. As well entrepreneur click on Manual Payment thru Challan/Bank Draft, manual payment mode details entry will appear. In this screen entrepreneur can select the department and fill the details of the payment of that department and select a scanned copy of draft/challan on clicking browse and submit it.
Online Mode:- If an entrepreneur want to pay by e-payment mode then he must click on EPayment mode Here entrepreneur can pay by Credit (Visa/master), as well as he click on e-payment mode E-Payment of Fee Department wise windows will appear, on selecting a department fee automatically will display, there is a bank transaction fee @2% of fee + Service Charges, which will go in the account of Ban. After selecting a department click on submit button, it will ask for confirmation for payment, on clicking Ok it will automatically move to the Concern Bank payment gateway, after entering the required information of credit card click on submit button, a confirmation screen will appear, for confirming you have to click on pay button it will move to HDFC bank web site for processing the payment. After successful payment an e-receipt will generate automatically.
Form Review
1. All forms received from department for review, will be displayed in the “ASK FOR REVIEW “panel on the dash board of Entrepreneur can view the same by clicking on
2. Click on the Action Button
3. The form will be displayed on the screen in read only mode . While viewing the form you will see the correction Mark on the field correct the field and give your remarks if required. if satisfied click on the submit button .
4. Once again the form will be submitted to the department
To Check the Form Status
After submitting the form ,concern department will take the necessary action. Entrepreneur are requested please check your panel and check status time to time.
The form status will be displayed on the following links.
Greveinces Management :-
In case entrepreneur has any query or compliant he can submit the same by using grievance management system.
Approvals :
Necessary approval certificates are also uploaded in Nivesh Mitra which can be downloaded and verified using the certificate number. Required snapshot is given below :
